Arne Gockeln

Kansolo - The Kanban Project Management App for Solopreneurs and Digital Nomads - Now available!

Written by Arne in App Development , tagged with App, Kanban, Kansolo, Project Management

Yesterday I made it to the Mac App Store with my App Kansolo. It is a Kanban Project Management App which works entirely offline.

Kansolo App Screenshot

How did I come up with this idea?

I was traveling as a digital Nomad and whenever I was waiting or flying or on a ship without a stable internet connection, I lost access to my project management data. I was searching on the internet if I could find something appropriate but found only old or out dated solutions. Nothing that was working for me.

So I came up with the idea of building my own project management app. A Kanban App of my personal dreams and needs. Something that works for Solopreneurs and digital nomads like me. Hence the name Kan(ban) Solo(preneurs). And maybe I am a starwars fan ;)

The release candidate 1 of Kansolo consists of the following features:

  • Works entirely 100% offline.
  • Create unlimited Boards, Columns, Cards intuitively
  • Group your Boards into Folders (like Marketing, or App Development, etc)
  • Add Attachments, Checklists and Color Labels to your Cards
  • Re-arrange Columns and Cards by drag-n-drop
  • Define custom Color Labels sets per Board
  • Write full text card descriptions
  • Search in Boards, Columns and Cards
  • Filter Columns by Cards having Notes, Checklists or Attachments
  • Show Card counter in Column Header
  • Give a board a heart and add them to the sidebar for faster access
  • Show a total sum of columns and cards in the board inspector

Kansolo is available on the Mac App Store for a lifetime fee. No abo. No monthly subscription.

You can find more info at