Arne Gockeln

Apps & Marketing for Solopreneurs

I develop Mac & iOS apps in Swift and help solopreneurs to become successful in the App Stores using App Store Optimisation.

App Code

Use my Swift code as a starting point, to build your own successful app business.

Learn about Code

App Marketing

Rank high in the App Store by using advanced App Store Optimization.

Learn about Marketing


Meet Kansolo, the cutting-edge Kanban Project Management App tailored for macOS.

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I'm Arne. Creative Thinker, App Developer, and Solopreneur. Creator of Kansolo. Previously founder, CEO and freelancer at several Web Agencies and Small Business Firms.

With over 24 years of experience in software development and online businesses, I followed my passion to focus on building innovative apps and mastering app store marketing.

My goal is to create useful, user-friendly apps for solopreneurs and help others to become successful with an app-driven business as I do.

Learn more about Arne