Arne Gockeln

Get more Downloads using ASO

Rank high in the App Store by using advanced App Store Optimisation techniques.

Higher Ranking = More Downloads

The App Stores are home of millions of mobile Apps for iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices like the Mac.

650 million downloads happen every week! You have to make sure your app is found by your audience!

What is ASO?

ASO is the short version of App Store Optimisation. It involves enhancing the visibility and ranking of an app in the app stores. The process includes optimising the app's title, keywords, description, and visual assets like screenshots and video to attract more downloads.

The ultimate goal of ASO is to increase organic traffic to your app landing page, which leads to more downloads, and improve app user engagement by making the app more discoverable and appealing to potential users.

Key Tasks in App Store Optimisation

The following tasks are mandatory to rank higher in the app stores and to attract more downloads from your audience.

Keyword & Competitor Analysis

Everything starts with a keyword and competitor analysis. Finding the best keywords with high popularity and low difficulty is the way to success.

Meta Data Optimisation

Placing the best keyword into the app title, subtitle and description enhances the probability to rank higher.

Visual & Media Optimisation

The visuals are the first impression of your app. They need to be crystal clear and communicate how the app is working and what features the user can expect.

Performance Monitoring

ASO does not work overnight. To understand the user behaviour and refine ASO strategies, you need to track analytics.

Regular Updates

Keep the app updated with features and bug fixes. This leads to more engagement, better reviews and ratings by your users.

Positive Reviews & Ratings

Positive reviews and ratings show the potential new user that your app is worth a try or the best fit to solve their problems.

Let's work together

Basic Pro
Competitor rank analysis First place First 3 places
Meta Data Analysis Title, Subtitle, Description
Keyword suggestion to rank higher 1 3
Deep Keyword Analysis Comparison of difficulty and popularity
Visual & Video Optimisation Analysis of available media and suggestions
Setup App Page in App Store Connect
Price € 300* € 800*

*plus VAT.

1. Schedule

Please select a date and time to discuss your app in detail.

2. Payment

After our call, I will send you a PayPal receipt. Once your payment is received, I'll start working immediately.

3. Result

You will receive a detailed ASO report within 5 business days.