Arne Gockeln

Release of SocialView App - Preview your Website for Social Media!

Written by Arne in News , tagged with socialview

I came across the problem, that when I am building a new post like this one or a new landing page for a product, that I want to see how the title, description and open graph image will look like when sharing on a social network like Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp or Pinterest.

Of course there are online tools to check that. But that means that you have to publish the website BEFORE you can have a look on how it will look like, because all of these tools need public access to your website.

This made me to come up with an app idea: SocialView - Preview your website for social media.

SocialView Overview

You can preview your website on localhost, on your non public staging environment and for every other public website as well. Also it shows all networks on a summary overview or in an isolated view, each network for itself.

Additionally SocialView provides a code generator to create the updated html code for the head section of your website. It includes the open graph and twitter meta data to configure the look of the preview.

SocialView Html Code Generator

By changing the title, meta description and og:image you can even test and customise the preview, to see if it fits into the preview.

The SocialView app is available in the Mac App Store.

Download SocialView on the Mac App Store