Arne Gockeln


From web projects to API development to native app development on macOS, over the past 24 years I have had the pleasure of working with great teams on great projects, as well as building my own software.


Kansolo is a new, modern and native Kanban project management application for macOS. Designed with solopreneurs and digital nomads in mind, it works offline, has folders to organise boards, unlimited columns and cards, supports file attachments and colour labels.

ANSI Progressbar C Header

This is a header only lib to create ANSI progressbars on the terminal built using ANSI escape sequences. No need to use ncurses. Some variations are included and can be set via options. Tested on macOS iTerm and Terminal. Should work on any vt100 compatible terminal. Released as open source project on Github in 2023.

xtb C++ API Client Library

This C++ client library for the xtb trading api provides all the necessary classes and methods to connect and communicate with the xtb trading json websocket api. Released as open source project on Github in 2017.

Github Xtb Client Library Screenshot